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FGCAC Quarterly Meeting

  • Pan Zareta Room, Fairgrounds Race Course (enter through valet doors) (map)

FAIR GROUNDS CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FGCAC) - Quarterly Meeting - 5 p.m. Central, Pan Zaretta Room

To the Public: Please note, the Committee can address only topics that apply to the following: Security, Compliance with Provisos, and other matters pertaining to FGNO’s impact on the surrounding neighborhood. See Ordinances 25,840 and 26,495.


I. Meeting called to Order; Welcome (Shipley – Acting Chair)

II. Roll Call (Shipley)

1 Mayor’s Office Representative Daniel Jatres

2 District A Representative #1 Richard Cahn

3 District A Representative #2 Wayne Benjamin

4 District A Representative #3

5 District C Representative (Cmdr. King to appoint)

6 District D Representative Sidney Fauria

7 At-Large A Representative Rocky Seydel

8 At-Large B Representative Jeanie Donovan

9 Staff Representative from Office of FGNO District Nina Killeen (Staff), Amanda Rizzo (Staff alt.)

10 FGNO Representative Doug Shipley

11 NOPD Representative Captain Jimmy Scott

III. Prior Meeting Minutes (vote required for approval)

IV. Neighborhood Update (Capt. Scott)

V. Old Business

A. Proviso change update (Shipley)

B. GPS options for patrol (Shipley)

C. Security patrol status and potential for third-party operation (Donovan)

D. Office of Police Secondary Employment agreement/shift pay

VI. FGCAC vacancy (Rizzo/Killeen)

VII. New Business

A. Increasing the rate of pay for the NOPD Fair Grounds patrol detail

VIII. Location/time of next FGCAC meeting; Pan Zaretta Room, 2 nd Floor (November14, 2023)

IX. Adjournment

August 1

Board Meeting

August 17

Special Board Meeting